PO Box 221
Oakhurst, NJ 07755
Last Updated: 3/10/2025 4:51 PM
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Rainbow Bridge
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Sapphire Jeanette Davis was a beautiful young, 4 1/2 years young cat. Her fur was like mink and her purr was as soothing as a mountain stream. We loved her very much. She was born in the wild to Claudia Ann Davis, who sadly passed one year ago in February. Sapphire passed on due to her having a freak accident in our home, just like her mother before her. April 3, 2008 marks the day she died, but Sapphire will stay in our hearts forever. She was a beauty and full of smarts and grace. She was dainty and agile... a real athlete who loved to watch the Cat Video at night and perch herself on the cat windows by day. She was a jumper, a coureous young lady and the only one who loved to watch me vacuum without fear. We will miss your beauty and your presence. Rest in peace my Sapphie Girl.
Jody Davis and family
Her life was short, but she lived, loved and played hard. She was loved by all who met her and all who shared their life with her. Rest in peace my friend. We tried for you.
Meet Oliver. He was a feral cat that was well loved and cared for by Mommy Ann every day of his life, rain,snow or shine for over the past four years. Oliver was one of the most beautiful, yes, beautiful cats anywhere. He, like all the other ferals, deserved to be in a warm and loving home. Instead, he was cared for outside, coping with Nature as best he could. Oliver was shy and sweet and Ann was beginning to be able to pet him. Aunt Jody looked forward to seeing him as well and always commented, "How is that handsome boy,Oliver, doing? He is soooo handsome!"" Jody got to "babysit" him during the few times that Ann was away. He had stunning, huge, green eyes, and what beautiful, long haired fur! We think he was the son of Claudia, Jody's feral cat, and Grand Daddy, a long haired gentle giant of a feral cat. Oliver was a gentle and quiet loner. There are many cats like Oliver who need a safe, loving indoor home and deserve more than a bowl of food and outdoor shelter. Oliver met an untimely death due to someone striking him with their car. He died near the food bowl. We hope he had his last meal, laid his soft,strong body down and had a peaceful eternal sleep. We will miss seeing you, sweet boy. One consolation, Oliver died before the wintry cold would force him to struggle to survive through another storm. Rest in peace, Ollie boy!
Ann MacLean and Jody Davis
Chico (aka: cheek the beak)
Chico was an adorable, expressive, sensitive, smart little chihuahua that was adored by all volunteers at the rescue. He went everywhere with Adrienne and was as comfortable waiting in the van as he was just cuddling in his bed. People loved to meet him at the outreaches and, due to his age and medical problems, he became a permanent resident and senior statesman of the rescue.
Chico was precious and playful at our first annual Halloween dog parade this year and spoke the last words of the day..." Thank you one and all for coming and for showing your caring
support for all the dogs and cats who need homes and who rely on wag on inn rescue and all the other shelters and rescues that provide safe refuge and hopes for forever homes. We also want to thank all the businesses, adults, teens and children that came to help out and support the cause. Happy Halloween!"
Now, we want to thank Chico, for just being who he was to all of us in the 1 1/2 years that he shared with us at the rescue. Thank you, Chico, for lighting up the room whenever you were around. Thank you for putting a smile on big and little faces. Thank you for that strong little bark that made one think you were not just a tiny little guy. Thank you for your sweetness and thank you for the love you gave to all of us. Rest in peace, sweet little heart.
Dragon (as in Puff the magic)
Dragon was a very special, smart dog. He was very particular about the people that he liked but those that he blessed with his affection, he gave to fully--devotion and loyalty--that was Dragon. He had his four legged friends as well and Dragon seemed to know that other dogs, similar to his issues, needed a friend as well. So, Dragon befriended those that needed one and he was a friend to us at the rescue as well. He will be deeply missed by his mommy, Diane, and his Aunt Adrienne. When you hear a strong bark and see a dog with silky, long "hair", think of Dragon and say, "Hello".
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