Online Adoption Application
The first step to adopting an animal is to fill out an application. Your application is then screened by one of our volunteers. As part of this screening process, Wag On Inn volunteers will contact your vet to ensure that current and former pets are up to date on vaccines and have been spayed or neutered. Please let your vet know that we will be calling - many won't release any information without your approval. If proper pet care has been provided, and it looks like your lifestyle might match with the animal's needs, we will connect you with the foster family. You'll discuss your desires and the animal's needs. If you both agree that it is a match, then an appointment will be made to meet the animal. Currently, we are making virtual home visits using video calls. Wag On Inn Rescue uses foster homes, so an appointment MUST be made with the foster family. If allowed, this might be at your home, at one of our Adoption Outreaches, or at the foster home. If you have animals of your own, we like to make sure that they will get along with the new animal. If that animal is not the right one for you, we'll keep your approved application on file and you can look for another on our website.
Adoption Fees
Wag On Inn Rescue is self-supported. Our income comes from adoption donations and small donations from the public. Because of this, we need to charge an adoption donation to help defray the costs associated with feeding and the medical treatment for the animals, and also to cover transport costs for animals coming up from southern states and. All of our animals are brought up to date on vaccines, spayed/neutered, dewormed and microchipped. Some arrive needing significant medical care. Because of the costs involved, we can not lower adoption fees. The required adoption donation is shown below and is submitted with the signed adoption contract at the time of adoption.
Adoption Fees:
Puppies up to 12 months: $550
Adults 1 yr to 6 yrs: $450
Seniors 7 yrs and up: $300
Kittens up to 12 months $175
Cats $125
Seniors cats 7 yrs and up $100
Seniors for Seniors!
Applicants 70 yrs and up can get a $100 discount on any dog 7 yrs and up or $50 discount on a cat adoption 7 yrs and up as long as they are approved to adopt and have an approved home check.
Veterans Discount!
Any active or retired military personnel are allowed a $100 discount on a dog or $50 discount on a cat adoption as long as they are approved to adopt and have an approved home check.
Adoption Fees can be paid by the following: Check Payable to Wag On Inn Rescue
Paypal: wagoninnrescue@yahoo.com
Venmo: @WagOnInn
Email Kathy at: wagoninnrescue@yahoo.com with any questions.
Thank you for considering a rescue animal!