First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Please state your age: (must be at least 21 years old to adopt/foster. Please do not enter "over 50", "adult" "old enough" "over 21" ~ age will be verified before adoption)*
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time?*
Do you currently have pets or have you had pets in the last 5 years? if yes, what type of pets?*
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain.*
Will the pet be kept inside or outside?* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
How much time will the pet spend alone during the day?*
Where will the pet be kept when you are home?*
Where will the pet be kept when you are not home?*
Where will the pet sleep?*
What arrangements would be made for your pet in the future if you are no longer able to care for him/her and had to give up your pet?*
What are the names, relationships, and ages of other people living with you?*
Does everyone work?*
Do you own or rent your home?* Choose one: Rent Own
If you own, we will verify property records. If you aren't listed as the owner, please provide the owner's name and contact information.
If you rent, please enter Landlord/Manager/Owner's name & number since we will be verifying pet policy.*
In what type of home do you live? Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
If you live in a condo, townhouse, apartment, gated or age-restricted community, please provide the name of the community and contact information for the management company or association.
For dogs: Is at least part of your yard completely fenced? Choose one: No Yard No Fence Completely-fenced area
What is the height of the fence?
What type of fence? Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible
Will you allow a volunteer to conduct a Home Check? (Either in person or virtual) A Home Check is a requirement for adopting from Wag On Inn Rescue*
Who in the household will care for the pet?*
Sometimes even housebroken animals may relapse in the housebreaking department until they adjust to their new home and schedule. Are you willing to work with this?*
For cats only: Are you planning to declaw? Choose one: Yes No
For dogs: will you keep him/her on a leash unless in a secure fenced-in area?
For dogs: Are you planning to crate train your dog?
For dogs: Describe how you will train your dog.
Please provide the name, breed, weight & ages of your current pets. *
Previous or current pets spayed/neutered? *
Name & phone number of the vet where your current/previous cats/dogs were vaccinated & received Yearly Wellness Exams. Please call your vet's office to give them your permission to release info to us.*
What is the last name and phone number on your vet records? *
What is the name of your pets actively or previously seen by this vet?
Is there any other vet that you have used for your pets?*
What is the phone number of any other vet you have used?
Provide the name & cell number of a Personal Reference (not a family member or significant other.)*
Which animal are you interested in? Choose an animal: Ace - A1 Cutie! Agnes - Actually Adorable! Angus - Ready to Play! Antoine - A great boy! Aspen - A sweet beauty! Atlas - Affectionate Lap Dog Babs - Beautiful Pup! Baldwin - Big, Beautiful, Boy! Bandit (rat terrier/chi) - Small size, big love! Betty - Special Girl! Birdie - Beautiful Lady! Blip - Bonded to Radar! Blue - I've got potential! BONNIE ~ A beauty! Brandy - Big Head, Bigger Heart! Bubba - I'd love to be your one and only! Buddy aka Buddha/Butters Chip - Cute Boy! Chip Oreo - Cute Boy! CLEMENTINE- Great kitty!! Crystal - A gem! Daisha - Moooove over I'm cute! Daisy Marie - America's sweetheart right here! Dale - Dashingly Handsome! Elfie - Snuggly Girl! Felicia - Friendly girl! Gidget - Gentle Pup! Gypsy (Aussie) - Great Pup!! Harry - Handsome Boy! Havana - Holy cow I'm cute! Helen - Sweet Shepherd! Hershey - Handsome Pup!! Indigo - Indeed A Good Boy! Isabelle - Immeasurably Beautiful! Jax - Sweet Boy! Jethro - Shy but Goofy! Jett - Bonded to Pearl Jimbo - Just a loving pup! Josie Jane - Just Adorable! Kane - Single and ready to mingle! Kylan - Kind boy! Kyle - Kind Boy! Linda - Lovely Lady! Little Anne - Lovely Hound! Little Man - Lovely Boy! Mac - Big Mac! Mary - Marvelous Pup! Max - Maximum Cuteness! Maylee - Sweetheart! Meghan - Sweet Pup! Molly - Magnificent Pup! Monty - Miles of Smiles! Naomi - Nice Pup! Neptune - Nice Boy! Nila - I love to Garden!! Odessa (Shepard) - Oh what a beauty! Oliver - Awesome boy! Orion - Oh my! Panda - Pretty Pooch! Paul - Pawsome Dude! Peaches - Pretty Pup!! Pearl - Pretty Pooch! PECAN LATTE - Shy Sweetie! PEPPER ~ Gorgeous kitty! Peter - Picture Perfect! Petey - Precious Pup! Petunia - Pretty as a flower! Radar - Bonded to Blip! Rayne - Regal and Beautiful! Reesy - Sweet Treat! Rocky - Rolling Stone! Rose - Enigmatic Beauty! Rudy - Special Home Needed! Sally - Special Girl! Sir Barkley - Super Cute! Skyler - Sweet Shepherd Sokka - So Pretty! Sport - Super Cute! Teddy - Totally Adorable! Tia - Totally Terrific! Toby - Totally Pawsome! Toby James - Too cute! Tootsie - Tooooo cute!! Truffles - Too cute!! Tucker - Totally Cute! Twyla - Supermodel! Victoria - Very Pretty Pup! Zella - Super Pup! Zo - Timid Boy in need of LOVE Zoey - Super Cute Pup!
Is there another animal you are interested in as well? Choose an animal: Ace - A1 Cutie! Agnes - Actually Adorable! Angus - Ready to Play! Antoine - A great boy! Aspen - A sweet beauty! Atlas - Affectionate Lap Dog Babs - Beautiful Pup! Baldwin - Big, Beautiful, Boy! Bandit (rat terrier/chi) - Small size, big love! Betty - Special Girl! Birdie - Beautiful Lady! Blip - Bonded to Radar! Blue - I've got potential! BONNIE ~ A beauty! Brandy - Big Head, Bigger Heart! Bubba - I'd love to be your one and only! Buddy aka Buddha/Butters Chip - Cute Boy! Chip Oreo - Cute Boy! CLEMENTINE- Great kitty!! Crystal - A gem! Daisha - Moooove over I'm cute! Daisy Marie - America's sweetheart right here! Dale - Dashingly Handsome! Elfie - Snuggly Girl! Felicia - Friendly girl! Gidget - Gentle Pup! Gypsy (Aussie) - Great Pup!! Harry - Handsome Boy! Havana - Holy cow I'm cute! Helen - Sweet Shepherd! Hershey - Handsome Pup!! Indigo - Indeed A Good Boy! Isabelle - Immeasurably Beautiful! Jax - Sweet Boy! Jethro - Shy but Goofy! Jett - Bonded to Pearl Jimbo - Just a loving pup! Josie Jane - Just Adorable! Kane - Single and ready to mingle! Kylan - Kind boy! Kyle - Kind Boy! Linda - Lovely Lady! Little Anne - Lovely Hound! Little Man - Lovely Boy! Mac - Big Mac! Mary - Marvelous Pup! Max - Maximum Cuteness! Maylee - Sweetheart! Meghan - Sweet Pup! Molly - Magnificent Pup! Monty - Miles of Smiles! Naomi - Nice Pup! Neptune - Nice Boy! Nila - I love to Garden!! Odessa (Shepard) - Oh what a beauty! Oliver - Awesome boy! Orion - Oh my! Panda - Pretty Pooch! Paul - Pawsome Dude! Peaches - Pretty Pup!! Pearl - Pretty Pooch! PECAN LATTE - Shy Sweetie! PEPPER ~ Gorgeous kitty! Peter - Picture Perfect! Petey - Precious Pup! Petunia - Pretty as a flower! Radar - Bonded to Blip! Rayne - Regal and Beautiful! Reesy - Sweet Treat! Rocky - Rolling Stone! Rose - Enigmatic Beauty! Rudy - Special Home Needed! Sally - Special Girl! Sir Barkley - Super Cute! Skyler - Sweet Shepherd Sokka - So Pretty! Sport - Super Cute! Teddy - Totally Adorable! Tia - Totally Terrific! Toby - Totally Pawsome! Toby James - Too cute! Tootsie - Tooooo cute!! Truffles - Too cute!! Tucker - Totally Cute! Twyla - Supermodel! Victoria - Very Pretty Pup! Zella - Super Pup! Zo - Timid Boy in need of LOVE Zoey - Super Cute Pup!
what energy level are you looking for?*
Do you mind if the animal sheds a lot?
Up to what weight would you consider?
Does anyone in your home have allergies to animals? If yes, to what type of animal?*
What traits are you looking for in a pet?
anything else you'd like to tell us?
How did you hear about us?
Would you like Wag On Inn to notify you of future events via email? Choose all that apply: Yes No
I certify that the information entered on this application is true. Wag On Inn Rescue may contact my references and I give my permission for my references to release information about my ability to care for an animal to Wag On Inn Rescue. The undersigned applicant does hereby release and covenant to hold harmless Wag On Inn Rescue, its Members and its Officers, and indemnify them from any claims, damages, costs or actions incurred as a result of the adoption or caused by the actions of the animal transferred herein. Enter your name and date: *