Gema and Christy are 5 months old and came to us from Puerto Rico. Gema weighs 7 lbs and Christy weighs 9 lbs.
Their foster mom says: "Gema & Christy (aka Cristal) are 5-month-old Sato sister Chihuahua mix puppies. We do not know what they are mixed with. Gema (sable colored) is a little feistier, while Christy (fawn/tan colored) is a little more reserved. Both pups fit right in with my dogs and they all play and get along great. Both are cuddle bugs and will climb right into your lap together. Gema and Christy get along wonderfully and seem to really adore each other. Since they do everything together and appear very much attached, they would like to find a home together. They have been, by their choice, sharing a crate, eating out of the same bowl, and even sharing chew sticks! Gema & Christy like their crate and often go in it on their own to take naps (together of course!). They were a little bit shy when they first got here, but came around quickly, in 1-2 days, once they knew they were in a safe place. They like to run through the backyard or play around with their doggie toys. They are such good puppies…already learning the doggie door and mindful to stay out of the other dogs' bowls. They are well on their way to being housetrained, although not quite there yet. They have been sleeping downstairs with my other dogs and didn’t cry, not even the first night. Christy and Gema are good with kids."
We're guessing they'll weigh between 15 and 20 lbs as adults.
Gema and Christy visited another foster home, where they were very well-behaved and made some new doggie and human friends. They can be a little shy with large dogs at first but soon start playing. They sleep very well in their crate without a peep all night.
If you are interested in Gema and Cristal, please go to, and under website features click on forms/applications to fill out an adoption application. We'll be in touch soon. Thank you!
More about Gema and Cristal
Good with Dogs
Gema and Cristal's parent, Vera (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Videos of Gema and Cristal:
Other Pictures of Gema and Cristal (click to see larger version):